This post has been a year in the making, and not because I have been working on something special…just because like I have said time and time again I am SO behind on the blogging of things I photographed with every intention of posting and this is one of them!
When I realized that March is only a few months away it gave me a wee boot up the bum to get this post done. I have begun planning for the busy time of year when both boys have their birthdays only weeks apart and I thought I best get the first birthday post up before I go ahead and plan the second birthday!
The day of Arden’s first birthday party there was a cyclone. Which was quite ironic as on March 14th 2014, the day that Arden was born, he was born into a cyclone. It was the one that was hyped up and really was just a bit of a windy storm! I remember clearly as I left hospital early with him to get him home before the cyclone was supposed to hit with full force….and it never did!
For Arden’s birthday outfit I made him a romper from a large Tshirt and then added the print using a stencil that I had which we used at the baby shower for the DIY baby rompers. I added his name as a wee personal touch. He looks so cute and young here….and a little podgey too!
And that pretty much sums up Arden’s first birthday party! I cannot believe this was nearly a year ago already and now I am in the midst of planning his 2nd birthday. They really do grow up too fast!
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